Dynamo Lights
A comprehensive resource for dynamo systems.

AXA Blueline

The AXA Blueline is in the middle of the AXA front light range. The 50 lux model is a capable light for fast riding in unlit areas, whilst the 30 lux model may be more suited to city riding. Both the 30 and 50 lux models come with the option for extra visible daytime running lights.

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Blueline 30

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Blueline 50

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Price €26-60
Reviews W.Scholten (Blueline30)
W.Scholten (Blueline50)
Read about brightness and lux.
Blueline30 30 lux
Blueline50 50 lux
Beam Pattern
Read about beam patterns.
Blueline30 Photo at W.Scholten.
Blueline50 Photo at W.Scholten.
Stand Light
What is a stand light?
‘Steady’ models.
Auto Switch
What is auto switching?
‘Auto’ models.
Side Lights
What are side lights?
No. But has clear sides allowing some light out.
Read about types of switch.
Yes. On body of light.
Daytime mode
What is a daytime mode?
‘T’ models only.
USB Output
Read about USB outputs.
Speed Variable Beam
What is a speed variable beam?
Warranty 2 years.
Manufacturer product pages. Blueline30 Switch
Blueline30 Steady Auto
Blueline30-T Steady Auto
Blueline50 Switch
Blueline50 Steady Auto
Blueline50-T Steady Auto