Dynamo Lights
A comprehensive resource for dynamo systems.

Welcome to dynamolights.com

At the time of writing dynamolights.com is currently under construction. I have decided to put the site live whilst I build it as I’m unsure how long it will take. There should be useful content from the start even if there are large gaps.

The website is intended to be a useful resource for people installing and using dynamo lights. I hope to curate information from various sources into a single user friendly resource. I have found that information on dynamo systems can be disparate and confusing, though there is certainly plenty out there!

There are two main elements of the site. Product listings and informational pages. The product pages will take information about products and present it in a standardised format so that they can be more easily compared. The informational pages should eventually provide enough information for anyone to install and maintain a dynamo system.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to dynamolights.com”

  1. This will be an excellent all-in-one-place reference. Thank you for creating this collection of information. Even the domain name is easy to recall. Questions: 1. Which of the vintage bottle dynamos (from the 1940s to 1960s era) has the least drag? 2. Is it feasible to use a bottle dynamo, old or new model, to run an AXA Luxx 70 Plus headlamp and an LED tail lamp?

  2. Hi
    Just received from Bikeinn the AXA Luxx70. I thought it had the USB connection, but only the Luxx 70 Plus as this option. So I wonder if there is a way I can get this bracket with the USB port?

    • I don’t think this is possible due to how it is wired. As you say it has always only been the Plus model which includes this feature.

      That said, I have an AXA Luxx70 with the USB option but have found that a large USB power bank is a better option for most purposes these days.


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